Census Boundaries - Block Group Census Block Group boundaries are a geographical unit used by the United States Census Bureau which is between the Census Tract and the Census Block.
Census Boundaries - Tract Census Tract Boundaries represent the smallest territorial entity for which population data are available in many countries. In the United States, census tracts are subdivided into block groups and census blocks.
EPA Sites The LightBox US EPA Sites API returns superfund and brownfield sites as defined by the EPA.
FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer The FEMA National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) is a geospatial API that contains current effective flood hazard data.
FEMA National Risk Index The National Risk Index is easy to use and can be levered to support community prioritization of resilience efforts by providing an at-a-glance overview of multiple natural hazard risk factors.
Geocoding Data Extension Allows for our clients to generate a custom data extension catalog containing addresses that are added by the end user and made available to the LightBox Geocoder.
LightBox APN Lookup Service This service allows one to pass in a APN and return references that can be used to retrieve base objects.
LightBox ID Lookup This service allows one to pass in a LightBox ID and return a reference that can be used to retrieve the base object of that ID.
LightBox Location Info API The LightBox Location Info API is a spatial point layer that contains data indicating all residences, dwellings, homes, businesses, or buildings.
Opportunity Zones Opportunity Zones are geospatial boundaries. They outline the distressed areas in the United States that are subject to qualified investment rules as defined by the U.S. Government.